공기중 코로나-19 저감
SARS-CoV-2 USA-CA1/2020
시험 일자
시험 기관
Innovative BioAnalysis
1280ft³ (abt. 36.25m³)
커스텀 제작된 4방향 CF180과 팬 조합
10m: 60.48%, 30m: 99.96%, 1h: 99.998%

The Innovative Bioanalysis, Inc. ("Innovative Bioanalysis") laboratory is not certified or licensed by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency and makes no equipment emissions claims pertaining to ozone or byproduct of any Oion, Inc. units. Innovative
Bioanalysis, Inc. makes no claims to the overall efficacy of any Plasma Air Module. The experiment results are solely applicable to the
device used in the trial. The results are only representative of the experiment design described in this report. Innovative Bioanalysis, Inc.
makes no claims as to the reproducibility of the experiment results given the possible variation of experiment results even with an
identical test environment, viral strain, collection method, inoculation, nebulization, viral media, cell type, and culture procedure.
Innovative Bioanalysis, Inc. makes no claims to third parties and takes no responsibility for any consequences arising out of the use of, or
reliance on, the experiment results by third parties.